Friday 1 July 2011

Lissie- When I'm Alone

This is the music video of Lissie- When I'm alone. I really like the way the video starts with a 20 second or so acoustic version of the song. It works well with the theme of the video and is an effective way to introduce the song. I would like to try this technique in my video.   

I really like the abstract shots of the grass blowing in the wind and they flow well with the movement of her walking. These shots of the grass helps to work as establishing shots for the video and insinuates the genre of the video. The camera travels through the grass so that you get this nice effect of the grass brushing over the camera out of focus. The different levels of height that camera uses adds nice variety to the shots.
I really liked this shot from the perspective of being in the car and I think its a cleaver technique. The camera travels with the car creating a nice moving effect. The light coming over the horizon is an impressive shot and I really like how it reflects of the metal of the car and also the shadow cast by the wing mirror is really eye catching. 

I really like the movement caused by the wheels turning in this close up. I like how the scenery is reflected in the car. continuing the colours of the sky and ground into the shot.
This shot is almost completely out of focus, the only aspect of the shot is the very centre of it but this create a nice distorted effect to the shot.
The setting for this scene is really effective visually as the light streaming into the room creates a nice illuminating impression.
I love the compilation of this shot, of the suit cases on the car. The mis-match of different sizes creates an interesting visual and the rich colours compliment the background well.

The camera is being filmed from the perspective of the car, which creates a nice bumpy effect of the car's movements. The dark colours of the road work well with the darkening light of the sunset.

I really like the refection here of the flowers in the car. The soft colours of the horizon compliments the other colours well.
I like the smokey effect over this close up that creates a hazy effect. The outfits the singer wears in this video are very casual, wear jeans and a t-shirt or a plain dress. This works well with the genre of her music and her style.
I like the movement of the sheet in this video, obscuring half the shot and covering her at then end. 

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