Thursday, 16 June 2011


This is the music video for The XX- VCR. I really like this video as it very basic but effective. Most of the video is set in black and white, with an industrial location but the use of a variety of angles and shots keeps the viewers attention.

i really like the use of a variety of shots in quick succession that is used through out the video, and specifically at the beginning. It really sets the scene of the video and the minimalistic shots being shown, fits in with the music.

This video focuses on two main characters and i think this is a really good way to introduce them and their relationship by shown the very intimate embrace from an over the shoulder shot.
This video plays around with the focus of the shots a lot, and I like the way it draws the attention of the audience to certain things, like the characters in this shot.
The use of shooting abstract shots is really effective and is something i would like to possibly try in my video.
the use of a slow zoom in on this shot keeps a variety to the shot as there is a lot of detail to take in and the angle is more interesting than a straight forward mid shot.

The quality of the video makes the even the most basic of shot interesting and beautiful.

the soft focus of this shot is really atmospheric

It is this point in the video when it changes into colour. It is probably due to the introduction of light in the video.
The use of both black and white and colour is something i would like to try in my video.

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