This is the music video for The Horrors- Whole New Way. i really like this video as, like The XX, it has really simple effects that work really well and are very atmospheric.
The opening sets the scene for the video by having an array of shots or plants or flowers, with some scenes of the landscape. This is similar a location i would like to use.
The video has effects of flashes of colour over it which makes the video stand out and adds interest to a possibly dull shot.
The first time the audience sees the lead singer, half way through the shot, it is over-lapped with an other shot of him singing. This works really well and is an effect i will consider using.
The other members of the band are not shown playing their instruments, but are utilised by being in the back of shots.
The video is integrated by more shots of the landscape to add diversity
In the video, there seems to be one main shot of the lead singer singing which is cut back to throughout the video.
i really liked this sequence of shots, with a fast cut between a long shot of the band standing on one side of the shot, then to the other, then one of them standing closer to the camera in the middle.
Shots of the other band members are shown throughout the video, in a variety of different shots.
There are different angled shots of the lead singer, but not of him singing, which in integrated as flashing clips throughout the video.
i liked the focus of this shot, with the silhouette of the hands, one in focus and one out.
the panning down shot of all the band members is a really beautiful shot, as it really shows off the colour effect used and the setting.
i would really like to try using this colour effect in my video.
this panning shot of all the band members legs is really effective, with the sun light shining through the gaps.
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