Wednesday 28 September 2011

Robyn- Body Talk Part 1 Digi Pack

Being a solo artist, it would be expected that Robyn would feature on the front cover of her album. The electro pop genre of her music makes the slightly surreal, futuristic feel of the cover work well. The odd props work similarly. The font for the writing is slightly scratch and the overlapping effect is very effective.
This back cover is extremely basic. The stark white background and simple black font and formatting fit with the space-age tone to Robyn's music. The layout has been set up with the logos at the bottom right hand corner and the bar code in the bottom left.
This CD has ingeniously be presented as a generic CD but it had the same font and lettering as the front cover depicting the artists name and album. 

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Arcade Fire Poster

This poster is pretty unconventional in that it doesn't show any of the band members, but it is extremely eye catching. The bright colours used and the overlapping photos make up an extremely interesting poster. I love the way the writing is formatted 

Laura Marling Poster

This poster is really simple, with the bold blue colour as the background and stark, white writing for the information, but this simplicity goes well with Laura's indie genre of music. Most of her music is acoustic so this poster works well to get that image across. The poster only has the artists name, her tour date and information about the show. I know I will have to add more information than this for my poster. 

Florence and the Machine Posters

For this tour poster, it has the cover of Florence & the Machine's album, so it is immediately recognisable to fans of her music. The black background is a good backdrop for the white writing and makes the poster have a vintage feel.
This is a typical HMV poster. I notice that it is relatively basic and plain, but just having one image of the artist, some text of promotion, and the two logos of the HMV dog on the top right and the HMV logo at the bottom left.

Ellie Goulding Poster

This is the poster for Ellie Goulding's new album 'Lights'. The format of the poster is interesting here, as it had a picture of the album in the bottom right hand corner and promotional information at the bottom. It has information about her chart position, making the album sound even more appealing. The photo for this post has been taken from the photo shoot for the album so ties in with it. 

Sunday 25 September 2011

The Manic Street Preachers Poster

This poster isn't like conventional posters as it doesn't have the band members in it but it has a model in old fashioned army clothes. The bland background of dark red-ish colour compliment the red writing for "Manic Street Preachers" at the top, and it works well as it doesn't distract from the girl and she remains the main focus of the poster. The "London the O2" writing is clear and bold in white lettering, that draws the eye to it even more so than the title of the band. The amount of space at the top allows enough room for the title at the top but it does not feel too space out. The point of the girl's crown draw attention to the lettering on the top.

White Lies Poster

The photo taken in this poster has been taken from a live performance from the band and you can see all the members of it from the back, but the main focus is the crowd and staduim. I really like how the blackness of the photo extends up into the whole poster, giving it a completely black background. The poster includes the title of the band and the album, reviews of the album and the tour dates. The simple white lettering and font used matches the style that the band's name is always written in and compliments the black and white photo. The only amount of colour in the poster comes from the picture of the ablum in the bottom right hand corner, which is small enough not to distracrt from the main poster.

Ed Sheeran Poster

This poster is really eye catching due to the bright colours used. I like the way that his face blends into the background, obscuring some of his face due to the over-powering colour, but still remains the main focus of the poster. The shadows cast in the photo also cover his face but this highlights his key features. The lettering used here is subtle only saying his name, the reslease date and the singles it includes. This low key poster fits in well with the indie genre of his music.

Monday 5 September 2011

Florence and the Machine- Cosmic Love

This is the music video for Florence and the Machine- Cosmic Love. I particularly love the lighting in this video, the dark red and purple hues tie in well together, creating a mystical tone that goes with the lyrics.

The video starts and ends with a close up on a flickering light bulb, which fits in with orchestral music in the beginning. I love how you can see the out of focus lights glimmering in the background.
This sequence works really well as an introduction of the singer, as it fades in from the other shot, with beginning with a medium shot as she acts out the lyrics of the song. Then there is an effective close up on her hands and face.
These transitional shots of the out of focus lights work really well in the gaps between no lyrics.
This shot is a close up with a pan over her eyes. i really love the angle of this shot and i think it works really well being upside down.
This setting is very minimalist, by just having a room of mirrors and some lights, but the angles of the shots and her ethereal dancing makes it work really well.
This is the same setting as the first shot but the change of the lighting makes it seem new and effective. The camera follows her as she walks through the leaves as if the viewers are part of the video.
i like how this shot is being filmed from bellow so you can taken in all the lights, then they are cut out with the music, to cut to the next scene.
This transition with the different, darker lights works well to signify the climax of the song.

i love the soft lighting in this shot that compliments her clothes. The outfits she wears in this video fit in with her slightly obscure genre of music and style.
I love the lighting in this medium shot and the mirrors in the room help reflect the lights even better. I really like the way her dress has been lit up as well.
This shot ties up with the opening shot to signify the end of the video with the light turning off.